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If that code fragment is put under a main() function and then it will yield the above output. According to the function something(), only changes in value second parameter will be reflected and first will be unchanged because second is passed by reference and the first one is passed as value so only address of 's' is passed, so, only its value is changed and the rest are same.
Printing Quality, Price, If it van vonnect to my laptop or nay devices.
If you want to use a js variable in a php script you MUST pass it within a HTTP request. There are basically two ways: Submitting or reloading the page.
In programming, just like in algebra, we use variables in expressions (total = price1 + price2). From the example above, you can calculate the total to be 11. JavaScript variables are containers for storing data values. All JavaScript variables must be identified with unique names. These unique names are called identifiers.
Quantitative data
Quantitative data is information about quantities; that is, information that can be measured and written down with numbers. Some other aspects to consider about quantitative data: Focuses on numbers. Can be displayed through graphs, charts, tables, and maps.
number of colors available in a graphic is referred to as color depth. Color
depth is also known as bit depth. It is the number of bits used to indicate the
color of a single pixel, in a bitmapped image or video frame buffer or the
number of bits used for each color component of single pixel.</span>