It will be dehydrated, and will eventually wilt.
Transpiration causes water loss in a plant and this could be regulated by the cuticle, because it protect the plant tissues from unwanted water.
So when it is absent dehydration takes place, and the plant stem will not totally provide support. This will eventually wilt the said plant.
The graph of y = -2x + 3 is a straight line
Its slope is - 2
Its y-intercept is + 3
To draw the line you can use these two points (0,3) and (3/2 , 0)
This line does ont pass through the third quadrant. It comes downward from the second quadrant, touches the y-axis at y =3, continues on the rirst quadrant, touches the x-axis at x = 3/2, and contiues into the fourth quadrant.
Graph of its inverse
Exchange y and x in the given function and solve for the new y
x = - 2y + 3 => y = - x/2 + 3/2
It is also a straight line;
Its slope is -1/2
Its y-intercept is 3/2
It is also in the second, first and fourth quadrant
Use these two points to draw the line (0,3/2) and (3,0).
You do not need to know to draw this, but the inverse of a function is its reflection through the line y =x.
Ur answer is A. G2
Explanation: it goes G1 Phase, S Phase, and then G2 phase. The answer is A.
This would depend on if the other parents has it or not. If they do not, they have a 50/50 chance that the trait will become recessive. That said, it could still be passed on to the child's kids in later generations.
Answer: the half life of the material is four years