Initially, each representative mandated for around 30,000 people. Nowadays, because of the increase in population, each representative mandated for around a million people. With an increase or a decrease in population it might change in the future.
The latitude of Athens, Greece is 37.983810, and the longitude is 23.727539. Athens, Greece is located at Greece country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 37° 59' 1.7160'' N and 23° 43' 39.1404'' E. Athens, Greece elevation is 72 meters height, that is equal to 236 feet.
The Mississippi Valley was very attractive for early colonizers. The Spaniards first went there in 1541, hoping they would find gold just like their fellow citizens had done in Mexico two decades earlier. But their venture didn't bear any fruit. Then, in 1673, French came to explore the land. Soon enough, missionaries followed their steps, and the first small settlements were formed, in spite of many troubles (such as outbreaks of smallpox).
<span>Lieutenant Colonel Custer</span>