Explanation:Assimilation is a cognitive process in which we relate the new learned infomation to the preexisting Information. It is a concept suggested by Piaget on cognitive development in children , children are always learning new information in order to develop their knowledge and if 4 year old has learned what a whistle is and what sounds it makes , they are likely to associate anything that makes the similar sound to a Whistle.
Gender Stratification
Gender stratification is a term used to describe when men and women are treated unequally regarding privilege, prestige, power, freedom, and wealth. It represent an unequal division between men and women where men are always made to be higher in status than women. In some cases the term gender inequality is used in place of gender stratification.
The answer to the question above is letter D. 25 pounds is the closest sugar average yearly consumption per person in the United States. American ate 123 pound of sugar per year in 1970, Today the average consumption is 152 pounds of sugar in one year.
The answer is Speed.
Speed is the norms of the millennial generation and is most likely the reason for the widespread influence of the "Google Effect". Speed leads to urge faster decision making and feedback on job performance. When we include Speed, we know that instant feedback is expected. The name itself (Speed) says it all.
<span>Cultural Assimilation Model.
Cultural assimilation models describe changes that occur for immigrants as they encounter and interact with a host culture. In the 1920s, sociologist Robert Park was the first to describe cultural assimilation as a unidirectional process of adaptation whereby immigrants endorsed the values, behaviors, and ideals of the host culture, and simultaneously lost the values, behaviors and ideals characterized by the immigrant’s culture of origin. At that time, cultural assimilation and notions of “one people, one culture…one nation” were the prevailing view in American society, mostly comprised of White ethnic immigrants. Immigrants were expected to adapt, assimilate and eventually resemble members of the host culture:</span>