A função do citoplasma é fornecer sustentação esquelética para a célula através da estrutura composta por filamentos e túbulos proteicos. Além disso, todo o conjunto de estruturas mergulhadas no citosol apresenta bastante dinamismo, fato que possibilita à célula realizar alguns movimentos.
No citoplasma, ainda há membranas que atuam como verdadeiras usinas intracelulares, que fornecem energia indispensável à manutenção da vida.
Outro fato que você deveria saber sobre o citoplasma é que ele preenche todo o interior das células eucariontes, sendo delimitado pela membrana plasmática. Já nas células procariontes, o citoplasma fica entre a membrana plasmática e o núcleo da célula.
% of wolves have normal fur.
Given , the allele for white fur is recessive and the allele for normal fur is dominant
Let "N" represents the allele for normal fur and "n" represents the fur for white fur.
As per Hardy Weinberg's principle, the frequency for dominant allele is represented by "p"
Given ,
Then frequency for dominant genotype will be "
So, Frequency for wolves with normal fur is

Percentage of the wolves with normal fur is
Cilia are thin hairlike structures, flagella are long tail like structures, pseudopods are feetlike projections, and pilli are used to hold onto rocks
Answer: False
Coriolis effect is when objects moving in a straight line appear to curve because you are rotating. The earth is constantly spinning. For example, Hurricanes form when air rushes from all directions into a low pressure region, air is going to rush towards the center. In the northern hemisphere this creates hurricane with counterclockwise spirals in the southern hemisphere it does the opposite; it creates hurricanes with clockwise spirals
Plasma Membrane is like all other cellular membranes, the plasma membrane consists of both lipids and proteins. The lipid bilayer (or phospholipid bilayer) is a thin polar membrane made of two layers of lipid molecules