Vladimir, the great Grand Prince of Kiev was known for a) After sending out men to investigate various religions, he chose Eastern Orthodox Christianity as the state religion. He was actually pagan previously.
The reasons for the demise of the Mycenaean civilization, which occurred in stages from c. 1230 BCE to c. 1100 BCE, are debated. We do know that several sites were destroyed between 1250 and 1200 BCE, ushering in the so-called Post-Palatial period when the centralised system of palace control declined.
1. Political Action Committees (PACs).
2. Special interest.
3. 94.
4. 13.
1. Many people help campaigns by giving money to Political Action Committees (PACs). The Political Action Committees (PACs) refers to a political group that is saddled with the responsibility of sourcing campaign funds, donations or contributions from various wealthy individuals (members) so as to support its political candidates to win an election.
2. Work with special interests, groups of people who share a common interest that motivates them to take political action. An interest group can be defined as a group of people sharing common aims, ideas and concerns, which seeks to influence government or a public policy. Thus, interest groups consists of individuals who are only concerned about influencing public policy of the government on the basis of a particular common-aim and interest. Examples of interest groups are labor groups, environmental interest groups, animal rights groups, etc.
3. The lower federal courts are divided into 94 districts.
4. There are 13 separate court of appeals. An appellate court, also known as court of appeals can be defined as a court of law of the judicial system that is empowered by law (jurisdiction) and saddled with the responsibility of hearing and reviewing an appeal of a trial-court or other lower court (tribunal).
One form of resistance was slowing down the picking of cotton. Slaves would intentionally go slower so that they could have an easier time in the fields. This was combatted by the Southern Plantation owners after a while by whipping the slaves severely during their first picks and then mandating that they had to pick at least as much cotton every time after.
Another form of resistance was to run away. The Underground Railroad helped thousands of slaves escape to the north and to freedom.