Texting and e-mail have made communication very fast.
Texting and e-mail have made communication very expensive.
FALSE. Texting can be expensive, depending on your cell phone plan, but email isn't.
Texting and e-mail have made communication very fast.
TRUE. These are 2 ways to communicate instantaneously with other people, no matter where they are.
People write and send more letters through the mail than ever before.
FALSE. Just check the amount of letters you receive at home. Do you communicate more with your friends and family by regular mail or by electronic means?
People seldom communicate because they spend a lot of time on the Internet.
FALSE. Well, time spent on the Internet is often time spent communicating with friends and families (think social networks).
Martin Luther, O.S.A. was a German professor of theology, composer, priest, monk, and a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation.
The correct answer is A.
The human race was not originated in America. The first settlers were nomadic people from the Paleolithic era, who arrived in the continent approximately 15,000 years ago using the Beringia land bridge. This crossing was possible because the sea level had decreased abruptly after the Last Glacial Maximum. Today this piece of land has become the Bearing Strait, separating Siberia (Rusia) and Alaska (US).
A peasant is a pre-industrial agricultural laborer or a farmer with limited land-ownership, especially one living in the Middle Ages under feudalism and paying rent, tax, fees, or services to a landlord. In Europe, three classes of peasants existed: slave, serf, and free tenant...and no I wouldn't like to be a peasant :c
Why did people want to go on the Oregon Trail?
OREGON TRAIL, one of several routes traveled in the mid-nineteenth century by pioneers seeking to settle in the western territories. Over a period of about thirty years, roughly 1830 to 1860, some 300,000 Americans crowded these overland trails. The Oregon Trail was first traveled in the early 1840s.