"she I'm mediately decided"? would be changed to "she immediately"
After he has adjusted to his exercise routine he should increase the intensity of the workout. Ex. add weight/ increase reps. This will help get his heart rate higher.
The can cause death by infection and rotting in the body
<em>According to DANB's 2018-2019 Dental Assistants Salary and Satisfaction Survey, DANB Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) certificants earn a median salary of $20.76 an hour, $2 more per hour than non-certified dental assistants</em>
RNA is genomes viruses. It caused thousands of death each year. For example Spanish Flu 1918 is the most deadly viruses. Because of deadly viruses that is why scientist have to make new fomulas to control over the flu. Every year, we should have a flu shots. However, there are several viruses have no medication for it, beside anitibiotics, for example, influenza A, B, C or H1 N1 or H3 N2. DNA is genomes of testing. For example, murder case, FBI, Lab, will collect all evidences to find out the killer. |CIS show} they are using DNA.