The scatter plot shows the relationship between the test scores of a group of students and the number of hours they spend on soc
ial media in a week: Part A: What is the group of points labeled A called? What is the point labeled B called? Give a possible reason for the presence of point B. (3 points)
Part B: Describe the association between a student’s test scores and the number of hours spent on social media. (2 points)
Part A: Those groups of points that are circled and labeled A are called a correlation. In this case, the group of points represent negative correlation. The point that is labelled B is called an outlier, because it falls outside of the range of the other points. Point B may have been present like that, because while a person may spend a lot of time on social media, they might have understood the information very fast, or maybe they studied a bit on a different occasion.
Part B: Going back to part A, the graph represents a negative correlation. In this case, the more time spent on social media, the lower the test scores.
The difference in elevation equals subtraction. In other words 39ft subtracted by 8ft equals 31ft. So New Orleans, Louisiana is 31ft ABOVE sea level compared to EL Centro, California.