In the medical profession, understanding the body position, direction and planes creates a common ground for the professionals to communicate in their work. For instance, if a nurse write down a medical note concerning a patient, the doctor will know exactly the part of the body that the nurse is referring to in her notes. It also makes it easy for doctors and nurses to diagnose the parts of the body where their patients are having problems. Thus, knowledge of human anatomy provides uniformity and precision in structures identification.
breed the red hamsters with blue eyes in hopes of getting their babies and sell them.... I have no idea what else you could do lol.
The probability of producing a transgender = None ( D ) when the father is gay
The probability of producing male gamete is not affected by the sexual orientation of the Father because the production of the male gamete is carried by the spermatogonia found in the testes of a male. and every male specie regardless of your sexual orientation have testicles where the spermatogonia undergoes mitotic divisions to produce the male gametes.
Hence the probability of producing a transgender given that the father is gay is non-existent i.e.0%
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Written below.
5. During meiosis, a reproductive cell and its nucleus divide twice and produce four cells––two pairs of identical haploid cells.
6. Homologous chromosomes are two pieces of DNA within a diploid organism that carry the same genes, one from each parental source. In simpler terms, both of your parents provide a complete genome. Each parent provides the same 23 chromosomes, which encode the same genes.
Primary eats grass and plants and the secondary eats the primary to get the energy it needs to live