You need to find the least common denominator first which is 4. 3 3/4 can stay the same but you must have like denominators to add so change 1 1/2 to 1 2/4 by multiplying by 2/2. You know have like denominators and you can add whole numbers first 3+1=4 and then the fractions 3/4+2/4= 5/4 which is also 1 1/4. Now you add 4 so your answer is 5 1/4
Christina can buy 7 bananas because one papaya is 8 dollars and then you do 50-8=42 and then 42/6 which equals 7.
Billy can only buy one pair of jeans. The reason is that jeans are 35 bucks and he has already spent 55 dollars on a hat and jacket and that leaves him with 35 bucks left so 35-35 equals zero!
5=(-4)x-2. Hope this helps
Step-by-step explanation:
20 *.15=3