this is hard i thought i knew it wow u have hard stuff in your school
In adolescence, socialization is concerned with the development of overarching values and the self-image. In adulthood, socialization involves more overt and specific norms and behaviors, such as those related to the work role as well as more superficial personality features.
You should or must stop 50 feet away from it.
Answer: Conditional statements are just true false statements
Let's say there's a kpop band burglarizing my house and I have a super AI that detects if a kpop band is my house through cameras. What it would do is change a variable "kpopBandInHouse = False" to True. I would then have an if statement next with a custom function:
if kpopBandInHouse == True:
So if the conditional statement is true, it nukes my house. It is false, it does not nuke my house.