Automatic and Explicit Buffering.
In the case of explicit buffering, the length of the queue is provided while in automatic buffering the queue size needs to be indefinite. In automatic buffering there is no need to block the sender while coping the message. While in explicit buffering the sender is blocked for the space in queue.
No memory is being wasted in explicit buffering.
Send by Copy and Send by Reference.
By using the send by copy method, the receiver is not able to change the state of parameter while send by reference allow. The advantage of using the send by reference method is that it allows to change a centralized application to its distributed version.
Fixed-sized and Variable-sized Messages.
In fixed size messaging refers, the buffer size is fixed. This means only a particular number of messages can only be supported by the fixed size buffer. The drawback of the fixed size messages is that they must be a part of fixed size buffer. These are not a part of variable size buffer. The advantage of variable size message is that the length of the message is variable means not fixed. The buffer length is unknown. The shared memory is being used by the variable size messages.
"A moving picture is an illusion that makes a still photo seem to move. The basic principal behind motion pictures is the fast transition between one picture to the next, almost creating a seamless transition. A flip-book is a good example of this. Another example would be film used for old movies. The film contains negatives of an image which when light is shined through creates a "shadow" of the image. If you quickly transition the film from one image to the next you end up a motion picture."
The correct answers are c. can contain special characters d. is case-sensitive
Variable can be referred to as a container used for storing values such as numeric values, memory addresses, characters, character string so it can be used in any part of the program. Every programming language has rules that you must strictly follow while naming a variable, and some of the rules for naming variable in PHP are A variable name can contain letters, numbers, and characters after the first character and A variable name is case sensitive.