A. Neurotransmitters can act as ligands.
B. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter. It can bind to an acetylcholine receptor on the surface of a cell. If this receptor is also a sodium channel, we would call acteylcholine a ligand and its receptor a ligand gated receptor.
A. Neurotransmitters can act as ligands.
B. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter. It can bind to an acetylcholine receptor on the surface of a cell. If this receptor is also a sodium channel, we would call acteylcholine a ligand and its receptor a ligand gated receptor.
Neurotransmitter are chemicals that transfer signals between neurons and nerve cells. They control some physical and physiologocal activity such as appetite, food.
Acetycoline is an example of neurotransmitter and it is located in the parasympathetic nervous system. Ligand are substance that form complexes with biomolecule. They serve biological purpose with this biomolecule.
This ligand binds to target site. Neurotransmitter act as ligand by binding to receptor in the postsynaptic neuron and acetycoline a type of neurotransmitter can also serve as ligand they bind to acetycoline receptor on cell surface.
They will have a large amount of genetic variation.
Scrapping pollens obtained from one plant to the flower of another plant (different variety but same species) would lead to increase in the genetic pool. The new hybrid plant would carry genetic features from both plants varieties. This process is also used to develop new varieties and have been recognized as cross-pollination. This process is generally preferred over genetic modification (GM) because of more nature friendly.
Fatty acids and glycerol best describes the basic structure of lipids. Fatty acids is one of the major components of triglyceride. It is a form of lipids that is used to store energy. Fatty acids are composed largely of a chain carbon atoms bonded with hydrogen atoms. At one of the ends of fatty acids is called carboxyl group. In terms of number of carbons, they are typically an even numbers.
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