<em>Community and ecosystem levels of organization are the main focus areas of Vitor Becker’s work.
<em>Serra Bonita reserve complex was established by Vitor Becker and his wife Clemira Souza in the Atlantic forest of Brazil.</em> He studied agronomy and forestry and has a Ph.D in entomology.
Becker realized that the Atlantic forests are largely destroyed. After retirement Becker and Souza settled in the <em>Serra Bonita mountain region and using their savings they bought land in the region and converted the area into Serra Bonita reserve complex.
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Bauxite does not have a specific composition. it's a mixture of hydrous aluminum oxides, aluminum hydroxides, clay materials, and insoluble materials such as, quartz, hematite, magnetite, siderite, and goethite
Glycogen stored mainly in the liver
I hope that's help !