Jaylyn Fly's average is 11
Suzy Swoosh's average is 10.9
Suhain Sprint's average is 10.4
When you need to find an average, you just need to add the numbers up and then divide by the total number of values you added.
In that situation the risk of cord compression during the child birth. Serious umbilical cord problems can result in brain damage or the death of baby.
Umbilical cord occurs when the baby weight on the placenta or the vaginal walls put pressure on the cord during pregnancy labor or delivery. Cord compression during pregnancy is common problem. Sing of umbilical cord compression may include less activity form the bay observed as a decrease in movement or an irregular heart beats.
Umbilical cord compression is a medical term used to describe a condition in which a baby's umbilical cord becomes flattened by pressure of the baby.
To learn more about Umbilical cord here