For easier calculation,
convert 4years 8months into months. This would give you 56months.
Amit is 56months old.
4 units/proportion =56
1 unit=56/4
5unit=56/4 ×5(simplify)
b. Do not reject H0. We do not have convincing evidence that the mean weekly time spent using the Internet by Canadians is greater than 12.7 hours.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that in a study of computer use, 1000 randomly selected Canadian Internet users were asked how much time they spend using the Internet in a typical week. The mean of the sample observations was 12.9 hours.

(Right tailed test at 5% level)
Mean difference = 0.2
Std error = 
Z statistic = 1.0540
p value = 0.145941
since p >alpha we do not reject H0.
b. Do not reject H0. We do not have convincing evidence that the mean weekly time spent using the Internet by Canadians is greater than 12.7 hours.
If I could get more context then that would help. Because an exponent being an odd number doesn’t do anything, so it could be either a negative or a positive
Lost (⬅key word) 4 is equal to -4
On 2 plays that is times 2
So all together is -4×2
A negative times a positive is negative
-4×2= -8
Hope this helped you☺