The Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS is used to assess the level of consciousness or LOC of a person who had experienced a traumatic brain injury. In this system, the level of consciousness of the person is being measured based on a criteria. The score ranges from 3 (deep coma) to 15 (normal functioning). Based on the given scenario above, the patient had a 15 GCS score, then this means that the person is functioning normally and can resume to his or her activities.
Make A List Of Things You Want To Accomplish.
Envision Your Life Going Your Way.
Open A Savings Account, Because We All Need Money.
Also Open A Retirement Fund.
Surround Yourself With People Who Want To Help.
Some advice I would give to someone experiencing organizational change would be to just run with it. Change can suck sometimes and other times it can be great, but at a workplace, normally you have no say in changes so it wouldn't be great to risk your position or your job to speaking out against it. If you are confident in speaking out against certain problems, then go with it, but I normally just run with anything that changes. I get really scared and anxious of change myself, but it happens in life and there is nothing you can do to really stop it.
The answer is : A,B,F
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