Answer: redo the test of both lupus Erythematous and syphilis again.most time , syphilis could give a false positive result due to the presence of the underlying desease condition. After which the systemic lupus should be properly managed . If there after she test positive (syphilis) she should be treated appropriately.
You have two teams on each side of the net consisting of 6 players on each side in a formation of their choice Team A and Team B will either Pass Set Hit or block the ball coming back over they will play at least 2 matches or more either to 25 points or 15 points depening on the match number you will continue to play till the game follows a win
What do you mean by this question?
The answer would be : <span>lithium.
Hope this helps !
Answer: you might u just gotta look for the right person and get to now them first