he gets told to keep his hand off of it. and he didnt knoe he was touching it.
which person u talking abt
Discovery In the thick folds of the forest I found myself gasping. Gasping for air, gasping for something that would remind me how to be alive in that place where all seemed to be dying. The night had fallen upon me quietly, like a blanket that is thrown upon one’s shoulders to protect them from the cold, but the only thing I needed protection from was the very thing that was gripping me – darkness. The air was heavy with the sound of silence; I dared not move in fear of what might happen, so I laid still. Face in the ground, my nose filled with the scent of grass and wet fallen leaves; my hands in my pocket; my legs against my chest. There had not been a moment before where I felt this vulnerable, this fragile. As if my bones could break at the mere attempt of movement, or that my eyes would no longer be able to withstand the sight of light. Fear is a mighty thing. It paralyses you to the very core of your being. The only sound discerning time was my heartbeat; a constant ticking of the clock, a simple reminder that life existed in that desolated space… until I heard something else. Something warm. Similar to my heartbeat but just faster, more fearless; and so I decided to get up and follow the sound. My legs were stiff from laying still, burdened by my own body weight I fell to the ground in my attempt to walk. I tried again. And again, until I finally stood up – a little twig, towered by trees.
hope it help to you
"Air was either entering or escaping at the rim with a thin, sizzling sound." if on e2020
Answer: they are both about the same size and look quite similar