<span>These are all parts of a lesson plan. A lesson plan is used by an educator to outline in detail the course they are instructing. A daily lesson plan is a guide by which the class will learn. It changes depending on the course covered, needs of students, and the type of teacher.</span>
The mRNA formed in the transcription process is transported out of the nucleus, then goes into the cytoplasm, and then to the ribosome. The ribosome is called the cell's protein synthesis factory.
In the ribosome, it directs protein synthesis. Messenger RNA is not directly involved in protein synthesis. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is required for this. The process by which mRNA leads to protein synthesis with the assistance of tRNA is called translation.
So we can say that the transfer RNA (tRNA) is used in the translation process.
Animal cells:
They are self sufficient, because of Nano-Chemical factories, so they can make their own stuff like cell membranes.
A cell can destroy itself through apoptosis in the event that it is irreparable.
Plant cells:
These were the first type of cells discovered by us.
Plants only actually use about 1/6 of the energy they get from photosynthesis, the rest is stored for animals that eat the plant.<span />
MycolicWhat are the components of acid alcohol?Prevent contamination of the smear by the stain pptWhat is the purpose of placing a filter paper on the glass slide?<span>1. Flood with carbolfuchsin. Heat until steam is given off for about 5 min
2. Allow to stand for more 5 min w/o heating. Remove the filter paper
3. Decolorize with acid alcohol while continously agitating the slide, then wash with water
4. Counterstain with methylen blue for 30 sec., wash with water then let it dry</span>Discuss the procedure in using ziehl-neelsen methodRedWhat is the color of an acid fast bacteria?Blue/greenWhat is the color of non-acid fast bacteria?<span>4g basic fuchsin
20 ml of 95% ethanol
8 ml phenol
100 ml distilled water</span>What are the components of kinyoun's carbolfuchsin?<span>1. Flood the smear with kinyoun's for about 5.min
2. Rinse with deionized water
3. Decolorize to faint pink color with acid alcohol for 3 min
4. Rinse again with deionized water
5. Flood with methylene blue for (4min), dry and examine under OIO</span>Discuss the procedure in using kinyoun's methodHorizontal or vertical scanningWhat is the proper way or direction of reading your stained smear?Horizontal scanningWhat is known as standard scanning?Pappenheims methodIn what method we use rosalic acid and alcohol as decolorizer?ColorlessWhat is the reaction of Mycobacterium smegmantis when rosalic acid and alcohol was added as decolorizer in pappenheims method?Diluted alcholic fuchsinWhat is use as stain i youe baumgarten's method?Red
MaxSan. The two fields of study that provide the core information that is used to classify organisms are: Morphology, a branch of biology that studies the form or structure of living beings. Biochemistry, is responsible for studying from a chemical perspective the composition, structure and functions of living beings