The type of system of promotion that is in effect at the group home for disabled adults is a merit-based promotion system.
Merit-based promotions are granted due to the favorable job performance of the employee or because they have shown a particular competence or capability in their record of service for the organization or firm. This is in contrast to seniority-based promotions, which are generally decided based on the length of time someone has been employed at a company. Sometimes there are accusations in merit-based systems that management favors certain employees over others. This is why larger firms usually seek a way to recognize merit objectively to avoid accusations of favoritism. In merit-based systems, employees are motivated to do their best work and to contribute to overall organizational effectiveness.
Hans Christian Orsted of Denmark made a discovery in the 1820 that a magnetic needle could be deflected by a wire carrying an electric current.
It shows that it is old not from modern times and it is ancient
The earliest burial places of the Old Kingdom Egyptian called Mastabas. Mastabas were constructed in a flat-topped one-story building in a rectangular shape with sloping sides as a burial ground for the royalty. These burial structures were built with mud bricks and later with stones. The structure constructed with an underground burial chamber along with storage chambers to stock materials and food for the afterlife.
Personal control beliefs, also referred to as locus of control and personal mastery beliefs, reflect individuals' beliefs regarding the extent to which they are able to control or influence outcomes.