Choose a health issue that you believe is affecting your community. You can also pick any local issue from the previous section.
Now think of the steps you will take as an advocate for that issue and answer the following questions. What is the public health issue you have chosen? What are your reasons for choosing this issue? How is this issue affecting your community? What are the steps you plan to take to be an advocate for this issue? How do you think these steps will help solve this issue?
Answer: A health issue that is not only affecting the community, but the whole United States, is routine circumcision. I'm not going to go to in depth on what it is as this response will likely be reported and taken down. Anyway this routine medically unnecessary surgery is performed on infants everyday because much of the public is often uneducated on what the benefits are of this surgery, and how much these supposed benefits outweigh the risk. Every circumcised child is having their rights stripped away (literally) and hundreds have even died from this procedure. If you want to make a change in regards to this topic or anything in general, all you need to do is inform and educate people, if given the opportunity, engage in a conversation and debate if you have to. At the end of the day, you might even change some minds, and that's what really counts!
(Like I said, I'm not defining what circumcision is so that the words used to define what it is don't get this response reported. Go on now! It's a quick google search away!)
A foot fault occurs when one player steps over, or on the baseline during a serve before making contact with the ball. Though difficult to call in some situations, any contact with the line at all is considered a foot fault, and will be called if observed.