Immediately after the storming of Bastille A) Peasants began attacking the aristocracy. The common people were tired of not having any say especially because starvation was rampant among the peasants. Tension rose between the commoners and the rich as the rich class (called the first and second estates) tried to keep power from the common people (Third estate). The people fought back by forming their own assembly called the national assembly. This assembly was supported by a finance minister named Jacques Kneckers. However, the king Louis XVI banished Kneckers and this is when the people decided to storm Bastille in protest. This lead to more riots and the peasants attacking the aristocracy or the highest class of people in France.
Developing countries.
As you can see in the birth rates per nation the most fertile countries are also the countries that are in developing process, or are very poor countries, developed countries have the lowest fertility rate from the list, in number one of the fertility list according to the Total Fertility Rate 2019 you will encounter Niger, with 7.153 children per woman, and in last place, according to the wolrd bank is Taiwan with 1.218.
The jews were not treated the same as the germans