The answer is disseminator. When a manager informs his or her
employees about the changes taking place within the external and internal
environment of the workplace, which may affect them and the organization as
well, he acts as a disseminator; a disseminator communicates to his or her
employees the organization’s vision and purpose. Being a disseminator is part
of Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles.
D. Questioning is a good way for the leader to stay in command.
It is known in new management jobs to panic because some would say or be open enough to feel apprehension or at worse to feel perceived as a fraud as skills are not advanced in new management jobs to full fill the criteria for a specialist role. When questioning, the process of learning by asking questions and listening. The more a manager listened, the better his or her questions became and the more they had learned. Questions also helped managers clarify their own thinking on projects, workflow, and strategies for their new unit.
How well do you ask questions? From some managers experience, most managers and leaders don't think about this issue very often. The "ability to ask questions" doesn't usually show up on any list of managerial competencies or job description requirements. However, asking questions effectively is a major component of any manager or leader's job, and asking good questions often distinguishes outstanding leaders and managers from average ones (or worse, poor ones).
Cost Benefit Analysis
Way of thinking that compares the cost of an action to its benefits.
I hope it helps.
The amount of amortized organizational expenses for the year 2013 would be $6,333 ( approximately )
First of all the important point here to note is that while calculating the amortized organizational cost we only include the legal fee for drafting the corporate charter and not the commission paid to underwriter or cost incurred while selling the stock.
In the legal fee for corporate charter too there are limitations , as only $50,000 are allowed as total expenditure to be amortized over a period of 15 years or 180 months. Where for the first year the limitation allowed is $5000 and rest of the amount would be amortized over 180 months.
So $45,000 - $5000 = $40,000
$40000 / 180 = $222.22
Now multiplying this by 6 months as the operations of company began on 1 July , 2013,
$222.22 x 6 = $1333.32
Now adding this amount to $5000 will give us the total amortized organizational expense,
$5000 + $1333.32 = $6,333.32
= $6,333 ( approximately )
I would say hide it under your seat or between your seat. or your trunk