Concerning this era, there are several themes which we learn in the American Indian literature. Among these we have the Indian ceremonial chants and oratory, the influence of christianity, ethnicity and racism.
Our first attempt at government was founded on the document known as the Articles of Confederation, but it failed.
Articles of Confederation, the first document which was attempted to be as a constitution to the thirteen colonies. This was an attempt to unite those 13 colonies. This was replaced by the constitution because the thirteen colonies were functioned autonomously but they couldn't integrate them.
Because the thirteen colonies feared coming under the central government, due to which taxes and trade policies couldn't be imposed on them. The articles also restricted the Congress to facilitate a common judicial system for the thirteen colonies too.
Pedro Álvares Cabral
Pedro First discovered Brazil. Brazil was officially "discovered" in 1500, when a fleet commanded by Portuguese diplomat Pedro Álvares Cabral, on its way to India, landed in Porto Seguro, between Salvador and Rio de Janeiro.
During the middle ages, a noble provided food and shelter (a place to stay) to his servants.
Nobles during the middle ages were the holder below the kings rank in society. Nobles were the owner of lands in Europe while servants and peasants related to the lower feudal class in the society. Servants were the property of their lord as they owned no land and became dependent on them. The duty of the Noble was to look after servants by providing food and a roof over their head.