1. During _metaphase I________, pairs of homologous chromosomes align in the center of the cell.2. During _telophase II___, the separated chromatids elongate and (usually) cytokinesis occurs, formingfour genetically distinct haploid daughter cells.3. During _anaphase I_______, homologous chromosomes separate by moving with the spindle microtubulestoward the poles.4. During __prophase II______, a spindle apparatus forms and individual chromosomes (each composed ofsister chromatids) begin to move toward the center of the cell.5. During _prophase I_______, chiasmata form and crossing-over occurs.6. During _anaphase II_______, sister chromatids separate and move toward the poles.7. During __telophase I______, the separated chromosomes cluster at the poles of the spindle and cytokinesis occurs, forming two daughter cells, each with a haploid set of replicated chromosomes.8. During ___metaphase II_____, individual chromosomes (each composed of sister chromatids) align in the center of the cell.