People arent “born bad”. Its their life experiences that make them who they are for example: Criminals arent born criminals, its something that they experienced in life that made them do it. When a person mostly experiences bad things they tend to do negative things in life. But if you are surrounded by good people then youll become a positive person
Andes Mountain is the mountain range is farthest south.
- The Andes is the longest continental mountainous region in the world and forms a persistent mountain range across South America's outskirts.
The Andes also have just behind Himalayas the second highest elevation in any mountain range.
It stretches from north to south 4,500 miles (7,200 km) across the continent's west side.
The highest volcanic eruptions in the world are in the Andes, like Ojos Del Salado, that rises to 6.893 m (22.615 ft.) on the border of Chile and Argentina.
The folding and pushing belt is smaller in the east than the farther south but it is well-defined by some patterns in the northwest and mountains.
The state officially categorizes its population into six groups: white, African American, Native American/Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander, Asian, and Native Hawaiian. From those groups, Americans identity with ethnic groups that are even more specific.Jul 18, 2019
Based on the context in paragraph 4, fossil refers to - A .how igneous rocks were formed over time.