The Count of Monte Cristo is classic adventure romatic novel written by Alexandre Dumas finished in 1844, it was published in a series of 18 parts as a bulletin during the two following years.
The story takes place in France, Italy and several Islands of the Mediterranean between 1814 and 1838. It presents the topics of justice, revenge, pity, and forgivingness.
Dumas got the idea from the memoirs of a real man called Jacques Peuchet who told the story of a shoes' maker called Francois Picaud who lived in Paris in 1807. Picaud got engaged with a rich woman, but four envious friend accused him accused him of being an spy, then in prison a dying cellmate told him about a treasure hidden in Milan. When he was freed in 1814 he got the treasure and came back to Paris under a new name, and spent 10 years planning his revenge. Pretty much the same story of the Novel.
In the story of the novel the author uses : Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory as figurative language devices.
The author uses The concept of Death as a spectacle
This is the happy version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, where the lovers actually live happily ever after in each other's arms.
The author presents the strongest emotions of all, Love, hate, revenge, greed.
Because Angelou´s self-confidence and her feisty approach to life might seem like not good qualities for a black woman in the eyes of those who are racist and/or against the human rights of women and African Americans.
Maya Angelou´s poem titled "Still I Rise" is an ode to the resilience of those who suffer oppression. Angelou was a civil rights activist whose poetry often referred to blackness and black womanhood, so it´s likely that this poem is a critique of anti-black racism.
When she asks if her sassiness might upset some people, she uses irony to reflect her disdain for what the white man thinks of her. She repeatedly describes herself as behaving like someone with lots of money and power would, and since she´s a black woman, she knows there are people who won´t like that. So her question is actually a provocation: she couldn´t care less about offending that kind of people.
There have many accidents during airshows; for example, last year the wind toppled a tent and equipment on top of bystanders.
The author feels like Maggie shows more affection towards Benzino than the author
the love of family brings people back home