765 areas in the united states
Approximately 1,000 to 30,000 years old
The major function of the immune system is to protect the host from environmental agents such as microbes or chemicals, thereby preserving the integrity of the body. This is done by the recognition of self and response to non-self.
A woman creates new immature ova in the ovary each time she has a menstrual cycle.
During the menstrual cycle, hormones present in the body make the immature eggs 'mature' ones, in the ovary. About in half of the cycle, hormones make the release of the mature egg from the ovary and travels towards uterus. It can remain there for 24 hours and if not fertilized the it breaks down and released out.
If mismanaged, renewable resources will become non-renewable.
For example: Groundwater can be over-pumped. If you burn a tree (plant) and don't plant another one.