End a relationship when it involves pressure to have sex. Always.
Answer: D. All of these statements are true.
Menopause is a crucial importance in the sexual life of women. It is the ceasation of menstruation as a result of fluctuation in the sexual hormones of the ovaries. These hormones fluctuation occurs several years before the beginning of menopause. These hormones fluctuation result in psychological, physical and emotional changes. Over the years, different researchers and various statements have contributed to the discussion and research about menopause in women. We've had discussions on several functions and factors affecting menopause, discussions on lifespan issues and sexuality pertaining to menopause, research of how menopause affect the sexuality of women of different races, how lifespan increment of an average woman affects menopause which include age at menopause and cause-specific mortality in various regions, how menopause is a function of sexism in the society, etc. All these and wide array of issues are statements discussed and researched that has contributed to issues concerning menopause over the past 1000 years.
Answer: The best response by the nurse would be: the stroke affected his brain conditions. You do not have to worry, because those synmponts are normal. You should schedule a neurologist appointment so that your husband can be tested and start a threatment immediately.
Explanation: Since the question is incomplete, because we do not have the nurse's statements, I supposed that it would be the better response, considering the informations we had in the beginnig of the question. Or at least, the closest of what the nurse's statement would be.
<span>Selective breeding is when humans take certain organisms and breed them in order to produce desirable or beneficial characteristics (phenotypes).</span>
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