2-3 times - Statistics show that Boys usually tend to start talking later than girls and develop language slower than girls too. For example, at 16 months age, girls can produce up to 100 words, while boys struggle to produce even 30 words. This is because boys tend to prefer non-communicative play, like playing with cars, while girls love to imitate behaviors, sounds and expressions. They also have better sensitivity to human voices and prefer it to other sounds.
Answer: No options listed.
Explanation: Economic growth happens when there is an increase in the inflation-adjusted market value of various goods and services in a period of time. There is an increase in the number of items produced or services offered which increases the money in an economy. Some factors that lead to economic growth are land, capital or technological growth and advancement.
a.identify strongly with the victim.
b.disparage the victim.
c.disparage the oppressor.
d.become very concerned with our own situation out of fear of suffering in the future.
Answer: Disparage the victim.
A just world hypothesis is the assumption that an individual's action is naturally likely to bring morally fair results or actions to that individual such that all honourable actions are rewarded and and evil actions are punished.
To defend our belief in a just world, when we see an individual suffering, we conclude that the suffering is as a result of their evil actions.