the would be US citizens because they were born in the United States and they get to travail with a pass port
Answer: LIGHT.
Explanation: AN undercover assignment involves one whereby an individual is engaged in spying or secret investigation of course for the purpose of obtaining information and data that would otherwise not be possible to get without this kind of method.
Light undercover usually requires an individual living a life that portrays the role being played for the purpose of intelligence and is usually short term as opposed to deep undercover that involves living in the same hostile environment as the people being investigated.
conflictos delictivos, narcotráfico, terrorismo.
Answer: near will I be. That your best friends shall wish I had been further.
An ‘aside’ is a literately device used by a character to communicate a message directly, that can be shown in self-talk or in a speech to the audience without the other characters in the story being aware of it. Aside differs from soliloquy because it is a shorter comment. In this lines " near will I be. That your best friends shall wish I had been further." Trebonius is saying this words to himself because he is involved with conspirators against Caesar, but Caesar does not know, but Trebonius communicates it to the audience using aside.