Technology because it's the advancement of their practices.
Group polarization.
Group polarization is when inside a group what first was an inclination to some ideas, after the individuals talk, those same ideas become much more stronger and radical. As the exercise exemplifies, the jury is deliberating and their initial attitudes are leaning neutral to slighty toward a guilty verdict. After a few days of deliberation, their ideas have strengthened considerably toward a guilty verdict. That's a good example of group polarization.
He was the first ruler to use the title of Tzar and Ruler of Russia. His greatest achievement is that he made Moscow the center of Russian power and expanded its power throughout Russia, and he was rewarded by adding "the Great" to his name.
"Sovereign" means powerful. It can mean being specifically more powerful than others, having power over others, but it can also mean being independent, that is not having to answer to anyone else. A sovereign group is a group with either of those two properties.