Jamie's financial responsibility for the unauthorized use is dependent on how fast she report the theft of her debit/ATM card.
Since Jamie Lee is dealing with an unauthorized use of her ATM or debit card, she ought to act quickly so as to avoid full liability for unauthorized charges since her card was stolen.
According to Federal laws and bank policies, Under the Federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act, the following liability applies:
- $0 if she reports the theft of the card immediately before any unauthorized charges are made.
- She would be charged up to $50 if she notifies the bank within two business days after she realized the theft.
She would be charged up to $500 if she fails to notify the bank within two business days after the theft but does notify the bank within 60 days after her bank statement is mailed to her with a list of the unauthorized withdrawals.
She wold be charged unlimited charges if she fails to notify the bank within 60 days after her bank statement is mailed to her listing the unauthorized withdrawals.
From the polices applicable, It is necessary that Jamie Lees notifies the bank or card issuer of the theft as soon as possible so as not to incur much financial responsibilites for the unauthorised use.
Read on to learn about unauthorized use debit/ATM card: brainly.com/question/21485510
def rec_dig_sum( num ):
num_list = [ digit for digit in str(num)]
total = 0
for x in num_list:
total += x
return total
def dict_of_rec_dig_sums(low, high):
mydict = dict()
for number in the range(low, high+1):
mydict[rec_dig_sum(number)] = number
return mydict
The python program defines two functions, "rec_dig_sum" and "dict_of_rec_dig_sums". The former accepts a number and returns the sum of the digits of the number while the latter accepts a low and high number range.
The program returns a dictionary with the recursive sum as the keys and the number count as the values.
A trackball can be seen on a mouse.
XML (Extensible Markup Language):
XML (Xtensible Markup Language):
It is a markup language that is used for creating web-pages, it defines a set of rules that makes it readable both to humans and machine.
XML was primarily designed to be a software and hardware independent tool and it's focus was on data. XML provides a framework for defining markup languages.
XML, HTML and XHTML are all related to each other because they are all markup languages and can be used to build websites.
-HTML is primarily for web-pages.
-XML is primarily for data.
-XHTML is a standard based on HTML that follows the strict rules of XML.