The correct answer is: The recessive allele produces a phenotype that is better able to survive and reproduce than the dominant phenotype.
Natural selection (adaptation mechanism), gene flow, and mutation combine to change allele frequencies across generations. Natural selection tends to increase in frequency beneficial alleles, while it tends to decrease in frequency deleterious alleles.
1.), missing links
Answer: Photosynthesis is the process of when a plant makes it's own food, and the main goal is to convert solar energy to chemical energy.
Explanation: Plants use photosynthesis by taking the sunlight, to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Since plants can't move and consume other organisms, they use photosynthesis. The formula is:
Like I said, the main goal is converting solar energy to chemical energy then store the chemical energy for future use, for example it can be used for Chemical batteries, Natural gas, Heat, Food, etc.
a. Excretion is accomplished by paired protonephridia with flame cells in every segment of the body. True
Most anelids have structures called metanephrids or protonephridia. Both structures are homologous to the kidneys and have the function of excresion, A pair are present in every segment of the body.
b. If the organs in one segment fail, the organs of another segment will still function. False
It is false because all segments are interrelated and have different functions depending on their location.For example, the first segment is where the sensory appendages are, such as the antennae and the eyes. The second segment is where the mouth is. There are a series of parapod segments to move, collectively called metameres and ends in a terminal portion called pigidium, where the anus is located.
c. Annelids possess both circular and longitudinal muscles that produce waves of contraction that are propagated down through the points eBookseries of segments.True
True because anelids have circular and longitudinal muscles that serve to function the hydrostatic skeleton.
d. Segmentation has allowed for specialization in the anterior of the annelid body, which has provided for a more sophisticated nervous system. True
True because the segmentation allows to have a nervous system formed by a ventral nerve cord provided with ganglia and lateral nerves in each segment.
D. layer 8 it occurs in the core of the sun