Caffeine works as an adenosine receptor antagonists, this essentially means that it works in the opposite manner or works against the receptor. Think of antagonist in the term of literature it goes against the agonist. Adenosine when bond to the receptor causes tiredness, this is the reason why people drink caffeine to stay wake and to prevent cognitive decline from exhaustion. So caffeine doesn’t really effect learning or memory to a large extent like other stimulants do. So basically caffeine increases wakefulness which in turn allows a person to focus longer, slight increase in memory, and more of a sorted out thought process.
Fossils provide evidence about life on Earth that currently extinct. Through fossils, we've discovered several species of animals and plants that previously existed. We also learn how life on Earth changed throughout the years. Fossils found in younger rocks look like animals and plants that are living today. Fossils in older rocks look less like the current living animals and plants. Some fossils found look either more or less like current species we know today.
The everglades begins to start flooding
The everglades soon becomes a wetland and all the area has vast amounts of water making it harder to move on and why it has the wet season, which there is the most water.
The right option is; B. Facultative halophiles
Facultative halophiles are the group of microorganisms that is most likely to spoil a freshwater trout preserved with salt because they can survive, grow and reproduce in extremely salty environments. Facultative halophiles can also survive and reproduce at not-high salt concentrations as they do not rely on high salt concentrations for growth. Examples of facultative halophiles are Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus spp.
When the rates of two processes photosynthesis and respiration becomes equal. Phototrophic organisms wouldn't be able to compensate for the lack of carbon dioxide levels. Phototrophs wouldn't be able to produce their food in the form of glucose and hence wouldn't be able to respire too. That would result in lack of overall available food from phototrophs and lack of available oxygen for respiration.
Photosynthesis also uses carbon dioxide faster than respiration produces it. Oxygen surplus is is released into the air and unused glucose is stored in the plant for later. That's why plants are so important to human and animal survival. Without photosynthesis we wouldn't have oxygen for food to stay alive and we would end up like the movie The Lorax