I've been meaning to <em>ask you</em>
If that's not too <em>drastical</em>
wonder if it's <em>okay</em>
To pick you up by<em> eight</em>
The rhyme scheme of this poem is AABB. The rhyme in this poem is achieved by the pronounciation and stress put into "ask you"; stressing ASK and then stressing the first syllabe of "drastical" and this way the rhyme on the first two lines is completed. Then for the last two lines the rhyme is achieved and the whole stanza resolved by stressing "okAY" and then "Eight".
The stanza's meter is trochaic tetrameter (4 trochees, 8 syllables)
<em>I</em><em>'ve</em> <em>been </em>| <em>meaning</em><em> </em>| <em>to</em> | ask you
if that's | not | too | drastical
wonder | if | it's | okay
To pick | you up | by | eight
This rhyme scheme and meter are most used by rap artist for it's impact and flexibility to create a rhyme. The stressed words are the ones that address the receiver of the message that is a proposition for a meeting or a date. This poem is fitting for the rap music genre, for it's pronounciation of key words (with a suburban accent) completes the rhyme in the second and third lines ("oKAY" and "DRAStical").
Richard Connell in "The Most Dangerous Game" suggests the theme of legitimate murder. His character Rainsford believes animals are inferior to men because they cannot feel, thus justifying hunting. Another character, Zaroff, thinks hunting men is more interesting than hunting animals, because humans have the power of reason.
On the other hand, Ernest Thompson Seton's "Lobo the King of Currupaw" about a the author's personal experience hunting wolves, tells the story of Lobo and Blanca, the man's struggle to hunt them, and describes Lobo's sorrow after Blanca's death. The story then lead to a conservationist movement for the protection of wolves.
beds of roses, a thousand fragrant posies, a cap of flowers, a kirtle embroidered leaves of myrtle, a gown made of the finest wool, fair lined slippers with buckles of the purest gold, a belt of straw and Ivy buds with coral clasps and amber studs
The shepherd promised to give the object of his affection things that he thought would make her happy such as fine clothing, slippers and accessories. He thought the lady would be enticed by things that would beautify her. He thought these things would give her pleasure.
D. he has not been formally dubbed a knight