We have to compare like terms (units), so convert the fraction to a percentage - because the question asked for an answer in percentages.
3 x
----- = -----
5 100
300 / 5 = 60
Vijay owns 60 % of the stations.
85 > 60
So, Levi owns more.
By tomorrow night, I will have written the essay.
B. Modern theater audiences can be superstitious.
"The Tragedy of Macbeth" is without a doubt a play of superstition. The play is about the degradation of its tragic hero and witches. It is also considered an unlucky play by performers. It is popular belief not to say the name of the character or to say "The Scottish play" instead because the play is cursed. Whether this be true, the truth of the matter is that accidents have befallen many casts and productions from around the world. However, it is important to mention that accidents are unexpected events that can happen anywhere at any time. In summary, this is the reason for which the audience and actors will refuse to say "Macbeth".