The correct answer is D) by selling their own government-granted land to farmers.
Railroad companies profit from the building of the transcontinental railroad by selling their own government-granted land to farmers.
With the passing of the Pacific Railway Act of 1862, the United States government authorized two companies to build the Transcontinental Road: the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific. These companies made possible the connection of the East with the West of the United States. The works ended in 1869, when both railroads met at Promontory, Utah, on May the 10th.
The Colonial General Assembly of Maryland approved Baltimore's Port in 1706 and Baltimore's City in 1723. Through the early 1700s, Philadelphia's German and Scots-Irish colonists, who were skilled at growing corn and wheat, moved to southern Pennsylvania and northern Maryland. They settled their farming ideas and skills soon in Baltimore which further by 1810 had become pivotal ruler for flour milling while started from flour export business during 1750 an Irish-born physician named "John Stevenson" shipped a cargo of flour back to Ireland as an experiment.
Therefore farming skills settled by outsiders hiked the development and growth of flour milling industry as competition for grist milling became ferocious along the Jones Falls even situation occurred when as many as 12 grist mills out of which four miles of Baltimore were highlighted.
So Django could shoot the slave owners