Grass is like to protectant of the soil, as is skin, to the meat in our bodies
the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
House Arrest
Based on the information provided it can be said that the intermediate sanction being described is called House Arrest. This (like mentioned in the question) refers to when the court confines a detainee or convicted offender to their home and controls this by attaching an GPS monitor to their ankle which holds an alarm that is triggered if they try to leave the area of confinement.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
Answer: The following is one of the friendship rules identified in a study by communication researchers Michael Argyle and Monika Henderson:
B. Don't be jealous of your friend's other friends.
Michael Argyle and Monika Henderson conducted a study and were able to identify rules for successful friendship, one of those rules was, "Don't be jealous of your friend's other friends."
In "The Rules of Friendship" Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (1984), Argyle and Henderson found some of the following 'rules', "...“should not be jealous of other’s relationships,” “help in time of need,” “respect the friend’s privacy,” “confide in each other,” and “stand up for the other person in their absence."
Base on the behavior of Carlos, the best approach that will
explain the behavior that he has shown would empathy altruism hypothesis. This
is where a person has the ability of feeling empathy in other people and tries
to put themselves in their situation, where in they try to be more
understanding and tries to share the same emotion that the person would feel
because of the situation that he or she is in. It is also with this, it makes a
person help the other party without expecting anything from return and helping
them because he or she wants to and not because he or she is expecting anything
or is only obliged to do it. It is seen from Carlos actions as he helps the
woman who has been begging for alms and tries to put himself into her shoes
where he felt pain into seeing her go through in that situation.