Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Commencement Speech to the American University... From my poetry and years before when I began writing stories as a kid in little notebooks. ... And spellings, which means the text messages don't count. ... When you've been immersed in reading here at the AU for the last few years.
Well I’m guessing paragraph 4
Epics normally explore the topics of heroic deeds and rewarding adventures. Hope this helps!
1-4 look correct to me.
for #5, you are correct that to come is not a prepositional phrase because there is no object. If I were you, I'd leave it alone and keep the one next it. all others look correct.
I would go with the last one- a symbol or theme that appears in stories from many different cultures. An archetype is kind of like a blueprint which authors add onto, so they carry through several cultures and stories as well as myths and legends.