Polar fronts or Jet Streams
More likely Polar Fronts.
False is the correct answer :)
Option C
As per the paleontologists, the anchored tubular structures of fossilized Funisia dorothea showed dense clusters which are believed to be formed by mating of floating egg and sperms in the water. Also traces have been found that states asexual mode of reproduction through budding where buds were formed in the same way as that of coral, sponges etc and then these buds grew into full sized Funisia dorothea. Thus, the fossil species have the complex ability to produce both sexually and asexually.
Option C
Recycling saves energy, helps keep materials out of landfills and incinerators, and provides raw materials for the production of new products. It converts organic materials, like food waste and yard trimmings, into a valuable soil amendment that contributes to soil health and keeps organic wastes out of landfills.
Recycling saves energy, helps keep materials out of landfills and incinerators, and provides raw materials for the production of new products. When waste cannot be prevented, recycling is the next best option. Recycling is more than extending the life of landfills. It is about making the best use of the resources we have available and conserving those resources for future generations. It is about conserving water, energy, land and raw materials.
Composting is recycling for organics. It converts organic materials, like food waste and yard trimmings, into a valuable soil amendment that contributes to soil health and keeps organic wastes out of landfills.