Mildew thrives in damp, wet places like basements, attics and closed closets -- so strive to keep clothing as clean and dry as possible at all times. Clothing with grease or soiled spots encourages mildew growth, so don't leave dirty clothes on the floor or in the washing machine.
This is cyclic change because the population is consistently going up and back down.
Thicker Skin, Fur, More Fat Content
Well I'm not exactly certain where the teacher is going with this, but an often used example is red blood cells (RBCs) aka: erythrocytes.
RBCs are suspended in blood plasma as they flood through vessels around and around the body, so the osmolarity (amount of small particles that affect osmosis) must remain relatively constant. This is termed "isotonic", meaning the same amount of osmosis-influencing particles that are there inside the RBCs' cytosol, within their plasma membranes.
If the plasma osmolarity get too high, called hypertonic (as with extra salt particles) then water inside the RBCs will have an osmotic force driving it out of the cells' membranes, to flow where there are more salt particles. This will lead to cell shrinkage (called "crenation").
Counter to that, if the plasma osmolarity gets too low, as due to low plasma salt with excessive water intake (for example from the condition "water intoxication"), then the plasma will be hypotonic with respect to the intracellular cytosol concentration. This can result in water rushing into the RBCs' membranes via osmosis, causing the cells to swell from discs into spheres (balls), or even rupture and burst (a phenomenon called "hemolysis").
Lots of bacteria are present as the microflora of a baby's gut which helps it to extract the nutrition from mother's milk and also helps the baby to maintain a low number of pathogenic bacteria in its gut.
Some bacteria present in the baby gut release enzymes like glycoside hydrolase which helps baby to digest carbohydrate present in the mother's milk.
Bacteria like Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus are already present in breast milk which helps in making gut microflora of baby and this gut microflora helps in extracting nutrients from mother's milk.