There are so many examples for that in different areas, like biology experiment carried out in our lab recently.
Here's one lin
Cerebral cortex
1. Emotion can invoke an autonomic response.
2. Sexual thoughts or image which can increase blood flow to the genitals.
1. It activates the flight or fight response.
2. It is the major control of ANS.
3. It is the integrating center for thermoregulation.
1. It is integrating centers for reflexes which control heart rate and blood pressure.
2. It is the integrating center for pupillary reflex
Spinal cord
1. It is the integrating center for urination, erection, defecation and ejaculation reflexes.
Nitrogen fixation (N2 to NH3/ NH4+ or NO3-)
Nitrification (NH3 to NO3-)
Assimilation (Incorporation of NH3 and NO3- into biological tissues)
Ammonification (organic nitrogen compounds to NH3)
Denitrification(NO3- to N2)