Temperature and precipitation.
Climate is defined as long-term climate patterns in a location. Looking at average temperature and precipitation through time is the simplest way to characterize the climate.
Temperature and precipitation are the two most significant factors in the climate of a place. Obviously, the annual average area temperature is significant, but the annual temperature range is important as well. Some locations range from the highest to the lowest temperature significantly wider than others. Average precipitation is very essential, but the annual change in precipitation is equally important. Some regions experience approximately the same precipitation year-round. For half of the year, other locations have very low precipitation while the other portion of the year has lots of precipitation.
<span>C. includes all the living organisms on the planet </span>
Electron shell is the outer orbital, while the inner orbital are just called orbitals.
one species using another as a food source, typically killing it
Even if we stopped burning fossil fuels, the Earth would continue warming up for another few decades because of all the heat we've already produced. Global temperatures would climb – finally stabilizing at a level much higher than we've ever known.