Under Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act the Federal Communications Commission respond to appeals from the Department of Justice by requiring providers of Internet phone services and broadband services to ensure that their equipment accommodated the use of law enforcement wiretaps.
Digital Telephony Act is the other name given for The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). In 1994, when Bill Clinton was the president of U.S this law was enacted. The main purpose of this law is enhancing the agencies of law enforcement to be conducting the interceptions related to communications to be under law.
The facilities, equipment and the services that are provided by the telecommunications manufacturers and carriers must be designed in such a way that it has abilities to allow federal agency to wiretap any of the telephonic traffic that it selects. Thus, under this act of CALEA, the Federal Communications Commission respond to appeals from the Department of Justice.
Answer:Retail atmospherics
Retail atmospherics refers physcal environment of a store and it's impact on customers. Customers shall feel at ease as they move around the shop and the atmosphere of the physcal space of the shop must be conducive enough to make them comfortable to shop in that store.
Physical features of a shop should be inviting to customers so they are crucial as your shop identity.
These features includes colours,design , layout , price tags and uniques displays. Customers will either react positively or negatively towards these features depending on how they have been organised. Music also is another feature of a shop like announcement can be irritating or be non disturbing to customers. Cleanliness , space between the aisles that allow free movement to customers all are physcal features.
Carmen will specialise in these features and make sure that retails maximise their physcal environment to attract and keep customers.
Answer: Hernando de Soto
It was the first European to discover and sail the Mississippi River. Soto was a Spanish conquistador who accompanied some of the earliest European expeditions in the New World, the destroyer of the Inca Empire by Francis Pizarro. According to available information, Soto and his expedition discovered the Mississippi River in May 1541. There were about 400 people in his expedition, and the river was discovered during an escape from the native tribes.
Use less things that will cause carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
effectiveness is the correct answer.