The length of the directed line segment is partitioned into the ratio of
as the one third length of the directed line segment.
Further explanation:
Ratio is the quantitative relation between two different things.
It is given that a directed line segment is partitioned in the ratio of
Step by step explanation:
Step 1
The directed line segment is partitioned in the ratio of
First part is before the desired point and 3 parts are after the desired point.
It means that there are total 4 shares as it contains four pieces.
Step 2:
The one third length of the directed line segment means there are three shares of equal size.
Step 3:
Consider an example a cloth has length of 12cm.
Now divide the cloth into the ratio of

Therefore, the cloth is divided in the ratio of
Now divide the cloth equally in three parts that is
of the cloth.

Therefore, the cloth is divided into one third as
Thus, it has been proved the given explanation.
Learn more:
Learn more about why is partitioning a directed line segment into a ratio of 1:2 not the same as finding the length of the directed line segment? <u></u>
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Answer details:
Grade: Middle school
Subject: Mathematics
Chapter: Fractions
Keywords: directed, line segment, length, one third, ratio, units, line, thing, quantitative relation, number, comparison, different things, ribbon, equally divided.