Due to equal pressure in all the direction at a particular level in a fluid medium (Pascal's Law)
We are not crushed by the weight of the atmosphere because atmosphere is a fluid and we are immersed into it. So, according to the Pascal's law the the pressure a each point in a horizontal level is equal in all the direction irrespective of the orientation of a body.
Variation of pressure in term of the height of a fluid medium is given as:
density of fluid
g = acceleration due to gravity
h = height of the free surface of the fluid from the immersed object.
And atmosphere has very less variation of pressure with change in height as it is a rare medium fluid and so for a human height there is very negligible variation of pressure at the heat of a human with respect to his toe.
Energy is always needed to preform anything, and chemical energy is one form of energy. Chemical energy is a part of chemical reactions because it involves teh chemicals.