The answer is heterotrophic
Only options A (first one) reflects the instances with valid experiment or conclusion.
Quality of any experiment depends upon two things reliability and validity. Reliability is measure of regeneration of results every time an experiment is performed under specific conditions.
Validity is measure of accuracy of results of an experiment. It can be check by two ways: internal validity (checks the design of the experiment) and external validity (checks if the conclusion is the real explanation of the phenomenon).
Now, in marine biologist experiment, he concluded the results only after one breeding season. This makes his results unreliable as it might have happened by chance.
Similarly, in cola experiment the taste was only checked by one candidate i.e. Karl. He might have problem in his taste buds. In addition, the temperature of cola can also affects its taste which is not taken care of in the experiment. Hence, it is not the valid experiment.
Similarly. Jeanette could use more plants for her experiment and Robert just followed only one instruction. He didn't perform any experiment.
Sediment . The trees was blocking the view so its organic
50% probability that a human sperm cell will carry an X chromosome
C. K+ ions flow out the the guard cells and water flows out the cells.
The turgidity of the guard cells allows the opening and closing of the stomata. This is especially necessary when it comes to water conservation in plants. In order for the cells to become turgid or flaccid, there must be the influx and out ward movement of water via osmosis.
In order for this the occur the osmotic pressure of the cellular environment must change and this is done by changing the solute concentration.
The pumping in of K+ ions out the cell allows the solute concentration to decrease and this in turn encourages the movement of water across a concentration gradient through a semi-permiable membrane.
The water leaves the guard cells and they become flaccid. This causes the stomata to be covered.